Entry Level Basic Japanese Language (JLPT N5)

(Japanese Language Proficiency Test curriculum JLPT N5 Level Basic Course)

The JLPT N5 test is very basic Japanese Language Proficiency test. This Course enables you to read and understand and mastering of typical expression and sentences written in Hiragana, Katakana, 120 kanji’s, nearly 800 vocabulary words, the basic structure of a sentence, grammar, simple conversation, basic Japanese listening ability, many of the basic natural elements (very important in Japanese culture, so they pop up a lot), people, and body parts.

Even though the JLPT N5 test is the most basic formal Japanese test, passing the test is still a big achievement. One is able to listen and understand conversations and about topics regularly encountered in day to day life and classroom situations and is able to pick up the necessary information from short conversations spoken slowly. Successful completion of this course will lead you to enter into the Japanese world with confidence and will encourage you to go deeper into the Japanese culture and Market. This course is very much helpful for the students who have taken Japanese language as a part of college curriculum, job opportunity at global/Japanese collaboration companies

SonaJapan Japanese language Academy JLPT N5 Course Detail

  • Mastering the Hiragana and Katakana and 120 Kanji’s with knowledge of each character’s meaning (easy to remember), correct method of writing strokes and pronunciation of Japanese vocabulary.
  • Discover more than 800 vocabulary words, expressions, and grammar (Bumpo) associated with the JLPT N5 level.
  • Basic Japanese with easy conversation for daily life communication.
  • Majorly this course is helpful for the student who want to study entry level business, wish to acquire job opportunity in Japanese Multi National Companies (MNC’s) or for a beginner who wish to study general Japanese as a hobby of learning foreign language and for those who are taking the JLPT N5.
  • Below are the teaching materials useful for the progress of your proficiency in Japanese language study to acquire the proper qualifications of JLPT N5, as well as mastering business Japanese.


  • Fundamental knowledge of any Indian or English Language.
  • Students who haven’t mastered the reading and writing of Hiragana and Katakana and kanji, no need to worry, we will make sure that you master in it and to bring you to the next level.
  • Passion to achieve your goal.


  • An up-to-date Personal Computer or Laptop or Mac with Adobe Flash, fast enough to use the online platform.
  • Trustworthy internet connection running at not less than 4 Mbps download and 1 Mbps upload speed. Please use www.speedtest.net to check your connection.
  • Headset with earphones and microphone to allow high quality conversation and avoid loud noisy feedback.
  • Printout of all Japanese study material which includes Japanese Syllabus book, Vocabulary Practice sheet, Home work sheets, Hiragana & Katakana charts & practice sheets, notebook & a ball pen for your notes during the class should be ready before the first lesson. (Soft copy of the Materials will be provided by us)

Who should pursue for this course:

  • Beginners who understand English & their local language and whose local language is not Japanese.
  • Learners of basic Japanese who have, to an extent, mastered hiragana and katakana.
  • Pupils who want to take the JLPT N5.
  • Students who want to study in Japan University.
  • Budding Entrepreneurs who want to do business in Japan.
  • Learners who want to become expert in conversational Japanese.
  • Learners who want to work in Japan.
  • Students enrolled in a Japanese language school or majoring in Japanese in college.
  • International students coming to Japan.

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